Muqam Demands Inquiry Against KP CM

Muqam demands inquiry against KP CM

SWAT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th Dec, 2016 ) : Advisor to Prime Minister, Engr. Ameer Muqan Saturday said that Imran Khan should sought resignation and launch inquiry against KP CM Pervaiz Khattak after the allegations leveled by PTI MPA, Zia Ullah Afridi.

Talking to media at the residence of Sar Zameen Khan at Buner, he said that if Imran Khan believes in accountability, he should sought resignation form Pervaiz Khattal and initiate inquiry against him after the allegations of Zia Ullah Afridi.

He said that KP CM has lost moral ground to serve after the accusations of MPA belonging to his own party. PM advisor said that PTI has failed to deliver in KP while Chief Minister, Pervaiz Khattak is threatening his opponents by utilizing government machinery.

He said that those who mandated PTI are now facing the nonchalance of their elected representatives adding the policies of PTI has increased the sense of deprivation among people living in KP. He said that unprecedented achievements have been made during tenure of PMLN and the party would emerge victorious in coming election owing to leadership of Prime Minister, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.

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