Murad Ali Shah Presented Guard Of Honour At CM House

Murad Ali Shah presented guard of honour at CM House

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th Feb, 2024) Newly elected Sindh Chief Minister Sayed Murad Ali Shah on Wednesday morning reached the Chief Minister House where he was presented with a guard of honour.

Shah reached the official residence of the chief executive of the province at about 7:45 am, CM House spokesman said in a statement.

Sindh Chief Secretary Dr Fakhre Alam, Inspector General Police Riffat Mukhtar, provincial secretaries, and other high-level officers received the Chief Minister on his arrival at the CM House.

The Chief Minister received the solute from the police cops before assuming his responsibilities.

He also held separate meetings with the Chief Secretary and the IG Sindh.

The Chief Minister also chaired a meeting regarding the law and order situation in the province, the statement said.