NCHR Launches Report About Women's Shelter Homes


NCHR launches report about women's shelter homes

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Dec, 2023) The National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) and UN Women Monday launched a report "More than Shelters, Needs Assessment of Dar ul Amans & Shelters in Pakistan".

The report is based on extensive on-site research, comprehensive inspections, and in-depth interviews with residents

of the shelter homes. It focused on identifying gaps in policies, implementation, and budgets, providing actionable recommendations for strengthening these essential services.

The report pointed out that the lack of specific facilities like visitors' rooms, separate counselling rooms, or libraries in certain shelter homes. internet facilities and Psychologists were also not available at shelter homes.

In addition to that, there was no systematic complaint-handling mechanism or rehabilitation programme in the shelter homes, and vocational training was widely felt to be outdated. These facilities were generally not fully equipped to meet the

needs of residents' children. Besides that, the positions of medical officer, psychologist, assistant, and computer

operator were vacant in four shelter homes.

The report makes numerous legislative and policy recommendations. It suggests revised SoPs for all shelters, based

on the specific provincial context/requirements and strong monitoring.
