NH&MP Adopting Preventive Measures To Avoid Fog-related Accidents

NH&MP adopting preventive measures to avoid fog-related accidents

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th Dec, 2016 ) :The National Highways & Motorway Police (NH&MP) have started to adopt extra-ordinary preventive measures to avoid fog-related incidents & accidents.

The Motorway Police Spokesman said on Friday that people should try to travel between 10:00 am to 06:00 pm, drive slowly, maintain safe distance, ensure the fog lights.

He said wipers of their vehicle are in working conditions and before the start of their journey contact Motorway police helpline 130 for guidance about road and weather conditions.

He urged motorists to drive carefully on the motorway, observing road safety rules and avoid unnecessary travel during foggy weather. He said the motorists should avoid applying sudden brakes and use fog lights during travelling.

The moisture in the air may continuously collect on the windshield, making it more difficult to see so adjust the defroster and windshield wiper speed as necessary.