NH&MP Conducts Road Safety Seminar At Emerson University


NH&MP conducts road safety seminar at Emerson University

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) National Highways and Motorway Police (NH&MP) Beat No. 22 M4 organised a road safety seminar at Emerson University here on Wednesday.

Sector Commander Motorway M4, Farasat Ali Bhandar said that our young generation was the guarantee of Pakistan's bright future.

He provided awareness about the use of helmets while driving motorcycles and seat belts while riding vehicles.

Apart from this, he also informed about the measures taken by the Motorway Police to make the lives of passengers travelling on the National Highways and Motorways safe.

Meanwhile, DSP Naeem Ghauri said that as a nation, they should work together to avert accidents. He added that it was the responsibility of all of us to follow road safety and respect traffic rules.

Vice Chancellor Emerson University Dr Muhammad Ramzan, Registrar Dr Muhammad Farooq, Admin Officer Muhammad Saleem Shahid, and teachers and students of Emerson University participated in the seminar.