Noor Muhammad Dummar Emphasizes To Enhance Capacity Of Levies Force, Developed It On Modern Lines

Noor Muhammad Dummar emphasizes to enhance capacity of Levies Force, developed it on modern lines

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Balochistan Minister for food Haji Noor Muhammad Dummar on Sunday said that the government would take measures to enhance the capacity of Levies Force and developed it on modern lines keeping in view the present day requirements.

He stressed that efforts are needed to restructure the Levies Force, so that it can meet the security challenges of the modern day, said a news release received here .

The Levies Force would be equipped with modern arms, ammunition and vehicles on an emergency basis, he expressed these views while addressing the Levies Darbar held in Sanjawi.