Norwegian Constitution Day Celebrated With Plea For World Peace

Norwegian Constitution Day celebrated with plea for world Peace

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) Norway's Ambassador to Pakistan, Per Albert Ilsaas, hosted a vibrant reception to celebrate Norway's Constitution Day, while delivering a heartfelt plea for world peace.

This national day, observed annually on May 17, commemorates the signing of the Norwegian Constitution in 1814 and pays homage to the royal family.

The event was attended by a distinguished assembly of diplomats, government officials, and notable figures from various sectors of society, all gathered to honor Norway's national heritage.

In his opening address, Ambassador Ilsaas expressed gratitude to the guests for their participation and highlighted the strong and growing relations between Norway and Pakistan.

Our relations have further developed over the past year through bilateral dialogues on a range of issue, he remarked, underscoring the deepening cooperation between the two nations.

The reception, held at the ambassador's residence, carried the theme of water, symbolizing purity and life. Guests were treated to an array of traditional Norwegian dishes, providing a taste of Norway's rich culinary heritage.

The celebration not only marked a significant day in Norway’s history but also highlighted the nation's dedication to international peace and cooperation.
