NTC Arranged Seminar On Cyber Security

NTC arranged seminar on cyber security

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 13th Dec, 2016 ) : National Telecom Corporation (NTC) Tuesday arranged a one day seminar on cyber security and software defined IP networks solutions at its headquarters Islamabad.

As per the directions of Managing Director NTC Brig (Retd) Viqar Rashid Khan, the seminar was conducted in collaboration with Huawei Technologies, a press release issued here said. The NTC officers participated in the session while the officers from other locations joined the seminar through video conferencing facility.

Global CTO of Huawei Mark Wu presented the concepts relating to cyber security and technological advancements made in this area. He highlighted the latest trends in development of software defined networks and offering of Network as a Service (NaaS).

As security of IT and telecom networks is gaining importance due to hacking and other pilferages, the speakers shared their practices and recommendations to assist the NTC technical team.

Wu Hao, another expert from Huawei introduced Software Defined Wide Area Networks and its key features.

DG Technical Engineer Miraj Gul NTC highlighted the importance of conducting such seminar and pursuance of management to continuously arranging programs for capacity building of its officers. Further, he emphasized the significance of software defined networks for provision of latest ICT services to the government subscribers through its state-of-the art Tier-3 Data Centre.

He informed that the NTC had prepared a platform for hosting all future services which would mainly be oriented on similar designs. The participants held interactive session/group discussions with Huawei and appreciated the conduct of such information oriented seminar and hopedthat such sessions would be conducted on regular basis for capacity building.