One Dead, Another Injured In Nasirabad Landmine Blast


One dead, another injured in Nasirabad landmine blast

DERA MURAD JAMALI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Nov, 2016 ) : A man was killed and another injured as their motorcycle was hit by a landmine blast in Chhattar tehsil of Nasirabad, on Saturday.

The police sources said that unknown men planted a landmine in an area in tehsil Chhattar which exploded when a motorcycle passed over it.

"Two men riding their bike were on their way in Tehsil Chhattar when their bike was hit by a landmine blast, leaving one dead and another injured," they said.

The dead and injured were shifted to hospital. The dead was identified as Hafiz Kangia and the injured as Tagia Khan. The law enforcement agencies have cordoned off the entire area to trace out the suspects. Further probe was underway.