Opposition Ill-intention Behind Tabling Of Panama Papers


Opposition ill-intention behind tabling of Panama papers

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd September, 2016) : State Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication Anusha Rehman said Friday said that the opposition tabled "Panama Papers Inquiry Bill" in Senate with ill-intention.

Addressing a press conference alongwith Finance Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Law and Justice Zahid Hamid, Minister for Shipping Mir Hasil Khan Bazinjo and Minister for Housing and Works Akram Durrani she said the opposition parties stressing the accountability of a person whose name is not in the Panama papers.

The minister said that wrong definition of "publicly" done with ill-intention. In may be mentioned, opposition leader in the upper house of parliament Senator Aitzaz Ahsan tabled a bill on Panama leaks investigation in the Senate secretariat.