Over 800 Person Benefit At SALU Heat Stroke Camp

Over 800 person benefit at SALU heat stroke camp

SUKKUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th May, 2024) More than 8,000 students, employees, teachers, and officers benefited during the fourth day of the heat stroke camp, established by the Students Societies Center, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur on Wednesday.

In-charge of the Student's Society, Dr Ali Raza Lashari said that the initiative has not only provided much needed relief during this intense heatwave but has also showcased the power of community's spirit and volunteerism.

He also expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all the sponsors of the relief camp. The organizers and volunteers are committed to continue their efforts with the same passion and dedication in the coming days, ensuring that more individuals receive the necessary support to combat the effects of the heat, Dr Lashari added.

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