Pakistan Army Installs Solar System In Gwadar To Ensure Uninterrupted Educational Activities

Pakistan Army installs solar system in Gwadar to ensure uninterrupted educational activities

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th May, 2024) In a significant move to support education in the region, the Pakistan Army has installed a state-of-the-art solar system at the Government Boys Degree College in Gwadar.

According to ptv, the initiative ensures that the college's educational activities can continue uninterrupted, even during power outage.

The solar system, which has been designed to meet the college's energy needs, will provide a reliable and sustainable source of power. This will enable the students and faculty to focus on their academic pursuits without any disruptions, creating a conducive learning environment.

Furthermore, the Pakistan Army has also addressed the long-standing transportation problem faced by the college students in the area. The army has provided a solution to ensure that students can commute to and from the college safely and conveniently. The college administration and students have expressed their gratitude for this support, which will have a positive impact on their academic journey.

The Pakistan Army's efforts in empowering education in Gwadar are a testament to its dedication to the nation's progress and prosperity.