Pakistan Army, Mari Petroleum Bring Clean Water To North Waziristan

Pakistan Army, Mari Petroleum bring clean water to North Waziristan

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) In a joint effort to provide clean drinking water to the local population, the Pakistan Army and Mari Petroleum Company Limited have established Reverse Osmosis (RO) water plants in Shiwa and Spinwam tehsils of North Waziristan.

These plants have the capacity to produce 6,000 gallons of clean water per day, a vital lifeline for the local community.

According to ptv, the provision of clean drinking water is expected to significantly reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases, which have long plagued the region.

The local population has expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the establishment of the RO water plants.

This initiative has brought a sense of relief and hope to the community, who have long struggled to access clean drinking water.