Pb Govt Aligning Resources To Achieve SDGs

Pb govt aligning resources to achieve SDGs

LAHORE, Dec 3 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 03rd Dec, 2016 ) : The Punjab government was aligning all its resources to achieve Sustainable Development goals (SDGs). This was said by an official of task force on SDGs while talking to APP here Saturday.

He said Punjab was the first province to have the SDGs Support Unit operational which showed Punjab government's ownership of the SDGs.

He said the SDGs Support Unit would serve as platform for different activities and support at the provincial level, adding the Support Unit would also be proved instrumental in providing evidence, analysis and perspectives to inform public policy in the context of SDGs, with special focus on issues of inequality etc.

The SDGs Support Unit had been established by the Planning & Development with technical assistance from UNDP and Planning Commission of Pakistan, he further added.