PESS Organizes Rally Relating To Anti-Corruption Day

PESS organizes rally relating to Anti-Corruption Day

MANDI BAHAUDDIN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 09th Dec, 2016 ) : Pakistan Ex-Servicemen Society (PESS) Friday arranged a rally to mark the Anti-Corruption Day. The purpose of rally was to create awareness among the masses against corruption.

The rally started from District Armed Services board (DASB) Camp Office and ended in front of the press club. The participants were carrying banners with demands for action against corrupt elements without any discrimination.

The participants of the rally also raised slogans 'SAY NO TO CORRUPTION'. Addressing the rally, PESS leaders vowed to fight against the menace of corruption. The speakers said wide spread corruption in the country was destroying national institutions and it is duty of every citizen to raise voice against corrupt elements and their supporters.

The speakers alleged that National Accountability Bureau (NAB) was not delivering required results due to lack of cooperation of public and other government and non-governmental organizations.

The political leaders are the main hurdle in the way of accountability, the speakers added.

The speakers also pointed out corrupt practices of taking bribe, not performing duties properly and violation of law and rules in the government departments. They urged all the heads of government departments to clean their departments from black sheeps and serve the masses according to their charter of duties.

The speakers of the rally while warning against the corruption said if corruption not controlled in the country properly then we remain ready to meet the fate of those nations which destroyed and humiliated in the past.