PHA To Plant Variety Of Flowers In Parks, Green Belts

PHA to plant variety of flowers in parks, green belts

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th Feb, 2024) In order to make the city lush green, the Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) has decided to plant a variety of flowers in green belts, parks and alongside the main roads during Spring plantation drive.

A spokesperson said here on Tuesday that the flowers would be planted in green belts and alongside the Club Road, Bilal Road, Kutchery Road, Jail Road, Sammundri Road, Canal Road, Jaranwala Road, Jhang Road, Narwala Road and others.

He said that the process of planting multicolored flowers was being started immediately in all the four towns of the city -- Iqbal Town, Madina Town, Lyallpur Town, Jinnah Town.

He said that the initiative would help in enhancing the beauty of the city as well as eliminating environmental pollution.

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