PHF's BoDs Approves Interest-free Loans For Health Professionals


PHF's BoDs approves interest-free loans for health professionals

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Nov, 2016 ) : The board of Directors (BoD) of the Punjab Health Foundation (PHF) has approved interest-free small loans, worth Rs 200,000-700,000, for nurses, allied health professionals, hakeems, homoeopaths and MBBS doctors for setting up their clinics.

In this connection, a meeting was held under the chairmanship of Advisor to Chief Minister Punjab on Health Kh Salman Rafique here on Tuesday. However, the applicants would have to fulfil all requirements.

Their registration with the Punjab Healthcare Commission would be the basic condition for getting a loan. Besides, Managing Director Punjab Health Foundation Dr Sohail Saqlain, Prof Eice Muhammad, consultant of the Foundation, Dr Amjad Saqib, officers of Finance, P&D, Social Welfare, Population Welfare departments and representatives of PITB, UHS and other institutions attended the meeting.

Dr Sohail briefed the participants about the new schemes. It was informed that recovery of small loans would be completed in three years in installments. Dr Sohail said that interest-free loans of Rs 25 lakh would be given to doctors for setting up big clinics or purchase of medical equipment on social as well as physical collateral.

Kh Salman Rafique appreciated the efforts and initiatives taken by MD Dr Sohail Saqlain for making the PHF a vibrant and doctor friendly institution.