PM Felicitates Turkish Leadership, People For Foiling Coup

Against Democracy


PM felicitates Turkish leadership, people for foiling coup
against democracy

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd August, 2016) : Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Tuesday extended warmest congratulations to the Turkish leadership and the people for their triumph against an assault on democracy on the night of July 15. He said Pakistan and Turkey enjoyed fraternal ties, which were based upon common and shared bonds of history, culture, traditions, religion and social values. The Prime Minister was talking to Foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu who along with a delegation called on him at PM House, said a press release. The Prime Minister reaffirmed solidarity with Turkey in its fight against terrorism and expressed deep sympathies and condolences over the loss of precious lives in the terrorist attack at the Ataturk International Airport on June 28.

"Pakistan has also suffered greatly from terrorism. The ongoing military operation "Zarb-e-Azb" and the National Action Plan have yielded highly positive results. The determination with which we have undertaken the operation has been lauded by the international community, including Turkey, for which we are grateful," the press release quoted the Prime Minister as saying. The Prime Minister said the determination with which they had undertaken the operation was lauded by the international community including Turkey for which they were grateful.

He also expressed confidence that the High Level Strategic Cooperation Council (HLSCC) was playing an instrumental role in providing strategic direction to the development of bilateral relationship between the two countries.

The Prime Minister also appreciated Turkey's steadfast support to Pakistan's quest for membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). Mevlut Cavusoglu thanked the Prime Minister for the warm welcome extended to him in Pakistan.

The Turkish Foreign Minister expressed gratitude for the solidarity shown by Pakistani leadership with the government and people of Turkey during the coup. He said both the countries need to further enhance the bilateral relationship between the two countries by fully exploiting the available potential. "Pakistan was one of the first countries to strongly and unequivocally condemn the attempted coup and express support and solidarity for President Erdogan and democracy in Turkey" said the visiting Foreign Minister.

The meeting was also attended by Advisor to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz, Special Assistant to Prime Minister Tariq Fatemi and other senior officials.