PML-N Guarantor To Pakistan's Development And Prosperity: Abid Sher Ali

PML-N guarantor to Pakistan's development and prosperity: Abid Sher Ali

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) senior leader Abid Sher Ali said on Friday that the PML-N was the guarantor of the country’s development, prosperity, and bright future

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th May, 2024) Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) senior leader Abid Sher Ali said on Friday that the PML-N was the guarantor of the country’s development, prosperity, and bright future.

Speaking to a private news channel, he stated that the government has successfully put the country on the path of economic revival.

He said, "The country is going through a critical phase and cannot afford any irresponsible behavior."

Abid Sher Ali urged all political parties to set aside their differences and make collective efforts to steer the country out of its current crises.

He said that certain elements have habitually making baseless allegations and creating confusion among the public that was shameful.