PML-N To Bring Speedy Reforms For Removing Poverty: Ahsan

PML-N to bring speedy reforms for removing poverty: Ahsan

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Dec, 2023) Senior leader of Pakistan Muslim League-N, Ahsan Iqbal on Monday said that his party will bring speedy reforms for removing poverty and boosting the economic sector.

The PML-N had vast experience in development works in Pakistan, he said while talking to a private television channel.

The people are facing difficulties due to weak policies of the last regime of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI), he said.

Many leaders of PTI had left Imran’s party because of damaging economic sector, he added. We have a road map to alleviate poverty and enhance business activity in the country, he said.

In reply to a question about inflation, he said the increase in gas, electricity and petroleum prices was also the reason for the hike in prices of commodities.