Police Foils Smuggling Of Over 70,000 Litres Iranian Diesel

Police foils smuggling of over 70,000 litres Iranian diesel

DG KHAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Police foiled smuggling of over 70,000 litres of Iranian diesel at Ghazi Ghat check post on Wednesday.

According to details, strict checking was underway to prevent smuggling under the directions of DPO Syed Ali.

Incharge Ghazi Ghat check post Farooq Ahmad informed that police have seized an oil tanker loaded with 70,000 litres Iranian diesel during checking which was being smuggled illegally. The oil tanker was taken into custody and handed it over to customs officials.

He said that strict monitoring was being ensured at entrance and exit points to prevent smuggling.

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