PPP Advocates Political Dialogue For House Unity: Naveed Qamar

PPP advocates political dialogue for house unity: Naveed Qamar

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 3rd Mar, 2024) Pakistan Peoples Party senior leader Syed Naveed Qamar said on Sunday that the PPP always believed that reconciliation was imperative in political discourse.

Speaking to a private news channel, he said that political dialogue was the Primary avenue to foster a more conducive atmosphere within the House.

He urged the government to prioritize engagement with opposition factions to cultivate a constructive working relationship.

On a query, he responded that the PPP would continue to talk with various political parties, including Maulana, for the upcoming presidential election.

Answering a question of election rigging, he urged anyone with complaints to seek recourse through legal channels such as the Election Tribunal and other legal forums.