President Renews Pledge For Equal Rights To Minorities


President renews pledge for equal rights to minorities

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th August, 2016) : President Mamnoon Hussain has reiterated the resolve to provide equal rights to peoples of all religions without any discrimination in the light of teachings of founding father Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. In a message in connection with the Minorities Day being observed on Thursday, the President said in the light of golden principles of Quaid-e-Azam, the present government had undertaken extraordinary measures for the welfare of minorities which were a milestone. "Let us resolve on this day that we will intensify our efforts for religious harmony so that democratic values are promoted in our homeland and virtues of peace, tolerance and religious harmony could be nurtured in society," he added.

The President said Quaid-e-Azam in his historical address in the first Constituent Assembly had stressed upon the equal rights to the followers of all religions in Pakistan.

The President said they celebrate August 11 as Minorities Day which has a special place in our national history. One of the reasons to celebrate Minorities Day was also to acknowledge their services in national life, he added.

He said "The love of our Minority communities for the country and the passion to do something for it are exemplary and their active role in national mainstream is evident of it."