PTI Founder Expert In Fabricating False Narratives To Evade Legal Scrutiny:Talal


PTI founder expert in fabricating false narratives to evade legal scrutiny:Talal

Senator Talal Chaudhry, a senior leader of the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N), said on Thursday that the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) was an expert in creating false narratives because he wanted to get rid of the 190 million pound case"

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th May, 2024) Senator Talal Chaudhry, a senior leader of the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N), said on Thursday that the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) was an expert in creating false narratives because he wanted to get rid of the 190 million pound case."

Talking to media, the leader of PML-N stated that the article linked to the PTI founder in the international journal is disconnected from reality.

He criticized the deliberate intent behind publishing the unverified article and urged the international media to verify such claims. Additionally, he expressed concern that there is mounting pressure on the judiciary by PTI founder to seek favorable outcomes.

“They're intensifying pressure on the judiciary to secure relief, a strategic move aimed at destabilizing Pakistan for their benefit,” added Talal. Talal Chaudhary stated that the founder of PTI has a habit of misleading Pakistanis and the media internationally, and desires forgiveness for all his actions and wrongdoings.

He stated that Imran Khan is responsible for causing turmoil in Pakistan, suggesting that the events of May 9 were aimed at creating discord among the country's institutions. Sabotaging the IMF deal has been carefully planned.

He is mistaken in thinking that someone will lift him onto their shoulders and escort him to the Prime Minister's House. Talal Chaudhary claimed that the founder of PTI housed opponents in death cells, yet he himself enjoyed seven rooms in jail with 24-hour staff facilities. The founder of PTI alleged he was in solitary confinement, which was wrong and contrary to facts.

Talal Chaudhary has criticized the founder of PTI, alleging that his jail stay resembles a hotel booking and describing him as the most pampered prisoner in history. Despite this, Chaudhary claims that misinformation is being spread about the lack of facilities.