Punjab Health Minister Khawaja Salman Rafique Announces Reforms In Healthcare System


Punjab Health Minister Khawaja Salman Rafique announces reforms in healthcare system

Punjab Health Minister Khawaja Salman Rafique has announced significant reforms aimed at enhancing the healthcare system in the province

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th Apr, 2024) Punjab Health Minister Khawaja Salman Rafique has announced significant reforms aimed at enhancing the healthcare system in the province.

Speaking at a two-day MS training session here, he emphasized zero tolerance for corruption in teaching hospitals and stressed the importance of serving humanity.

He highlighted ongoing revamping projects in government hospitals and reassured that health cards will now be beneficially utilized for the people instead of political gain.

Secretary Health Ali Jan Khan echoed the commitment to monitor teaching hospital performance regularly.

The event was attended by officials including Special Secretaries, DG Drugs, and Medical Superintendents from various teaching hospitals.