Ravi Shankar's Statements Baseless, Illogical: Engr Rasheed

Ravi Shankar's statements baseless, illogical: Engr Rasheed

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Nov, 2016 ) : Member of the so-called Kashmir Assembly in Indian occupied valley, Engineer Abdur Rasheed has termed the remarks of Hindu religious leader, Ravi Shankar, regarding the Kashmiri people and the ongoing movement as baseless and far from reality.

According to Kashmir Media Service (KMS), Engineer Rasheed in a statement issued in Srinagar said, "If Shankar truly believes Kashmiris don't know meaning of freedom and are running shops in the name of resistance movement, he should never have met Muzaffar Wani, the father of martyred Hizb commander, Burhan Wani." "Sri Shankar and people of his thoughts should understand that Kashmiris, who have sacrificed more than one lac lives for legitimate cause of right to self-determination, don't need lessons from those who are directly or indirectly collaborators of state terrorism.

" He said, Ravi Shankar must remember that seeking plebiscite is something promised not only to the people of occupied Kashmir but to the inhabitants of the entire territory that existed in 1947, as such opinion and verdict of majority has to be accepted by the people as Kashmiris are not seeking a solution on religious lines.

Engr. Rasheed said whatsoever the outcome of plebiscite may be, the people of entire territory will have to accept it whole- heartedly the same way minorities accepted it at the time of partition in India and Pakistan. He asked Ravi Shankar to have a debate with him and discuss merits, all dimensions and perspectives of the Kashmir dispute at a place and timing of his convenience.