Regional Director, Provincial Ombudsman Holds Open Court To Address Employee Grievances In Sanghar

Regional Director, provincial Ombudsman holds open court to address employee grievances in Sanghar

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Following the directives of the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh (Mohtasib) Muhammad Sohail Rajput, the Regional Director of the provincial Ombudsman at Sanghar Fazal Muhammad Shaikh organized an open court (Khuli Kachehri) at the Sanghar Accounts Office (Treasury). During the session, employees and pensioners belong to various departments presented their problems before him.

According to a handout, the District Accounts Officer Muhammad Saleh Ansari informed the employees about the legal complications during the open court. Addressing the salary issues of daily wage employees in the health department, instructions were given to release their salaries, under which the bills will be passed in a couple of days.

Responding to complaints from professors of Shahpur Chakar and other colleges regarding the M.Phil allowance, the District Accounts Officer acknowledged that the issues concerning the M.Phil allowance were widespread across Sindh and assured that these problems will be resolved soon.

On this occasion, the Regional Director of Provincial Ombudsman, Sanghar reiterated the commitment to resolve all issues of employees. He said that any employees or general public who have complaints against any department shall submit a written application on plain paper, their problems will be addressed promptly.

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