Repatriation Process Of TDPs To Start From January 15


Repatriation process of TDPs to start from January 15

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 31st Dec, 2016 ) : Political administration of North Waziristan Agency has said that repatriation process of Temporary Displaced Persons (TDPs) from the agency to take refuge in Khost province of Afghanistan will start from January 15.

According to Radio Mashaal , officials of political administration of North Waziristan Agency held a meeting with TDPs of the agency at Ghulam Khan crossing point who took refuge in Khost province of Afghanistan.

They discussed repatriation of the TDPs in the negotiations. According to local tribesmen, TDPs in Afghanistan are happy for the date of their repatriation and hoped that they will be return happily.

Assistant of political agent of the agency Muhammad Anwar Khan Shinwari told Mashaal Radio that they discussed every possible measure for their safe return and fixed date of January 15 for their repatriation.

He said two thousand families will return in the first phase and two hundred on daily basis. He said that the political administration of the agency will provide transport facilities for the returning families.

He said first those families will settled who have already returned to the North Waziristan. He said they did not hold talks with Afghan authorities in this connection, however; they hold talks with Afghan border security forces.

Muhammad Anwar Khan Shinwari said that the Afghan border security forces assured all possible support to them in repatriation of the families. It is pertinent to mention that about one million people have been displaced from North Waziristan Agency due to military operation against militants. About two thousand and five hundred families took refuge in Afghanistan's Khost province.