Rescue 1122, Superior Group Sign MoU

Rescue 1122, Superior Group sign MoU

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 31th August, 2016) : The Punjab Emergency Service (Rescue 1122) and Superior Group on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU). The MoU was signed by Public Relations Officer Rescue 1122 Faheem Jehan Zaib and Executive Director Public Relations and Communications Superior Group Aysha Zahid.

Director General Rescue 1122 Brig (R) Dr Arshad Zia and Pro Rector Superior University Dr Sumaira Rehman endorsed the MoU. The Punjab Emergency Service (Rescue 1122) will train students of Superior University regarding Basic Life Support skills. The DG Punjab Emergency Service said the training would help students to cope with emergencies.