Security Forces Averted Attack On Ghalani Camp, 4 Suicide Bomber Killed

Security forces averted attack on Ghalani camp, 4 suicide bomber killed

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Nov, 2016 ) : The Security Forces averted a suicide attack attempt on Ghalani Camp in Mohmand Agency killing all four suicide bombers with two security forces personnel laid their lives in effort to block suicide bombers on Saturday, ISRP confirmed the attack.

According to details, at around 6.00 a.m, four suicide bombers who were heavily armed, attempted to enter Ghalani Camp and attack residential area mosque where a large number of recruits were also present.

Wearing suicide jackets they opened up firing and tried to rush inside the mosque.

They were taken on and contained in the outer courtyard of mosque. Security forces surrounded the attackers and killed all the four suicide bombers.

Two of them blew themselves up while two were shot by the security forces after intense firing. In the exchange of heavy firing two FC jawan embraced martyrdom and 14 other injured. The injured were shifted to Agency Headquarter Hospital for medical treatment. The security forces fought with bravery and saved a huge disaster by not allowing the suicide bombers into the mosque.