Security Plans Devised For Imam Hussain's (RA) Chelum Processions

Security plans devised for Imam Hussain's (RA) Chelum processions

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Nov, 2016 ) : Plans have been made to ensure peace and security on Chelum day in the entire district where an aerial surveillance would also be maintained for all the processions on November 21.

City Police Officer Israr Ahmed Abassi said as many as 3000 cops would ensure security of Chelum processions in the district while contingents of Army and Rangers would also be on alert to meet any kind of emergency.

Snap checking of vehicles was also being advised at entry and exist points of the city. The CPO informed that Ulema, Mushaiksh and religious scholars of different school of thoughts were taken on board to promote religious harmony.

He said CCTV cameras were also installed to monitor all the processions to ensure foolproof security. Parking of vehicles would not be allowed around 200 yards from Imambarghs, he added.

No one would be allowed to stand on roof tops of the commercial and residential buildings situated along the routes of mourning procession while police personnel would be deployed on the rooftops of the buildings.

Police patrolling would also be enhanced during this period. The CPO said members of Peace Committees along with female volunteers of civil defence and lady police would also be deployed with the mourning processions and Majalis.

He informed that special checking of the route of mourning procession would be completed prior to beginning the procession where a bomb disposal squad would also clear the route. The mourners would be checked with metal detectors and walk through gates would be set up at the entry points, he added