SEPA Team Visits Plastic Bags Wholesalers Shop In Nawabshah

SEPA team visits plastic bags wholesalers shop in Nawabshah

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th May, 2024) Sindh Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) Shaheed Benazirabad team visited plastic bags wholesalers and retailers shops.

According to the details, under the direction of Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Coastal Development Dost Muhammad Rahmon, Secretary Environment, Climate Change and Coastal Development Nabila Umar, Director General SEPA, Naeem Ahmed Mughal, Regional In-charge of SEPA, Dr Gul Amir Sambal Sindh Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) SBA team visited shops selling plastic bags in Nawabshah city.

During the visit, it was observed that most of the vendors are still buying and selling banned polythene bags across the city.

In this regard, the SEPA team strictly instructed them to stop this activity and use alternative biodegradable plastic bags.

They were asked to strictly follow the environmental laws otherwise action would be taken as per the rules.
