Sexagenarian Woman Commits Suicide


Sexagenarian woman commits suicide

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) A sexagenarian woman committed suicide by jumping into a canal in the area of Batala Colony police station.

Rescue-1122 spokesman said here on Wednesday that 60-year-old Shagufta Bibi of Partab Nagar Jhang Road became dejected after quarreling with her family members over a domestic dispute and jumped into Rakh Branch Canal near Gol Masjid Sammundri Road.

As a result, the woman drowned into canal water. A passerby witnessed the incident and he, with the help of a rickshaw driver, fished out the woman from the canal, but she died before getting any medical assistance.

Rescue-1122 handed over the body to the area police who started investigation, he added.