Sherpao Chairs Review Meeting On ADP

Sherpao chairs review meeting on ADP

PESHAWAR, Dec.16 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th Dec, 2016 ) : To discuss the pace of work on the developmental projects of Social Welfare Department, a review meeting on Annual Development Authority (ADP) was chaired by the Senior Minister for Social Welfare and Irrigation, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sikandar Hayat Khan Sherpao, held here on Friday.

Secretary Social Welfare, Abdul Jabbar Shah, Additional Secretary Adil Shah, Director Social Welfare, Muhammad Naeem Khan and other concerned attended the meeting. The meeting thoroughly discussed the status on ground, funds position and other technical issues of all the 26 developmental schemes being executed across the Province.

It is worth mentioning that 9 new developmental schemes were included besides 17 on-going ones.

The Provincial Senior Minister directed the concerned quarters to speed-up the pace of work on these schemes, however no compromise would be made on standard.

He said all the projects were of the national importance as majority of them were educational institutions for special persons and help-less people. Sherpao also directed for regular monitoring of all the developmental schemes and asked the concerned quarters to keep him inform about any issue if faced.

He assured the participants of his keen interest in completion of all the developmental projects and early activation for the public services. APP/aqk/ahn