Shipping Activity At Port Qasim


Shipping activity at Port Qasim

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 05th Dec, 2016 ) : Four ships C.V Nework, M.V Thorco Atlantic, M.V Chintana Naree and M.T Atlantic Glory carrying containers, project cargo, slag and chemicals were allotted berths at Qasim International Container Terminal, Multi Purpose Terminal and Engro Vopak Terminal respectively on Sunday.

Meanwhile, five more ships with containers, project cargo and furnace oil also arrived at outer anchorage of Port Qasim during last 24 hours. Sixty percent berth occupancy was reported at the Port on Sunday where a total of nine ships namely C.V Nework, C.V Nicoline Maersk, M.v Thorco Atlantic, M.V Chintana Naree, M.T Star Ploeg, M.T Elan Vital, M.T Atlantic Glory, M.T AL-Kharaitayat and Black Pearl are currently occupying berths to load/offload containers, project cargo siag, palm oil, diesel oil, chemicals LNG and LPG respectively during last 24 hours.

A cargo volume of 105,709 tonnes, comprising 84,391 tonnes import cargo and 21,318 tonnes export cargo inclusive of containerized cargo carried in 1,598 containers (TEUs 1,122 imports TUEs & 1,221 TUEs exports) was handled at the Port during last 24 hours.

Five ships, C.V Nework, C.V Nicoline Maersk, M.T Ginga Marlin, M.V Thorco Atlantic and M.T Star Ploeg sailed out to sea during last 24 hours, while two more ships M.T Elan Vltal and M.T Al-Kharaltayat are expected to sail on Monday afternoon.

A total of six ships, C.V MSC Elina, C.V MSC Elina, C.V Al- Mnanama, M.V Thorco Legion, M.T Geimini Gas and M.T Rise Fortune carrying containers, project cargo, LPG and furnace oil are expected to take berths at QICT, MW-1, EVTL and FOTCO respectively on Monday, 5th December, while another General cargo carrier 'Imari' is due to arrive at Port Qasim on Tuesday, December 6.