Students From Friends Of Police Visit PSCA

Students from friends of Police visit PSCA

A delegation of students from Friends of Police, comprising 150 participants from various universities, paid a study visit to the PSCA, here on Wednesday

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th Nov, 2023) A delegation of students from Friends of Police, comprising 150 participants from various universities, paid a study visit to the PSCA, here on Wednesday.

Commander DSP gave a detailed briefing on the functioning of the Authority.

The delegation was shown the workings of different departments within Safe City, including the Emergency Call Centre 15, Media Management Centre, and Women Safety App.

They were also briefed on the Electronic Data Analysis Center, the Traffic Management System, and the modern communication system used by PSCA.

Expressing their thoughts, the delegation stated that the observation of the city through Asia's largest security wall was an excellent experience. The visit aimed to enhance the student's understanding of the working mechanisms and technologies employed by the Punjab Safe Cities Authority.