SUPARCO Invites Young Researchers To Conduct Experiments On CSS

SUPARCO invites young researchers to conduct experiments on CSS

Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) in collaboration with China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) have invited researchers to propose and conduct experiments on China Space Station (CSS)

ISLAMABAD (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Apr, 2021 ) :Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) in collaboration with China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) have invited researchers to propose and conduct experiments on China Space Station (CSS).

According to an official source, students or researchers can submit concept papers to conduct research in the field of space science and technology on board CSS in the areas including Space life science and biotechnology, Microgravity fluid physics and combustion, Space material sciences,�Space physics and environment, Earth sciences,�Fundamental physics and�Space utilization novel technology.

The interested candidates can submit a preliminary concept paper on Space Technology Testing or Space Science Experiment, as per format available on the website. All the details can be obtained through the web link: .

The source revealed that in Phase-I, a Science Advisory Panel shall evaluate the papers and selected candidates will be intimated to further their research and submit detailed project proposal while in Phase-II, the selected project proposals will be shared with China Space Utilization (CSU) and finally selected projects will be conducted in on China Space Station.

Science Advisory Panels in respective fields are being formulated to qualitatively evaluate the concept papers and project proposals. In this regard, suitable faculty member(s), preferable PhD and experts in any of the above fields may be nominated.

The intended participants can contact Space education and Awareness department at 021-34650765 Ext 2078, 2053, 2249 or email at [email protected] for any query. The last date for submission of the concept papers will be announced later, the source added.