Three Killed In City

Three killed in city

SIALKOT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th Nov, 2016 ) -A man killed his wife on Thursday and later committed suicide over some domestic issue in the jurisdiction of Ugoki police station. According to police,Tanveer (32) had a dispute with his wife,Safeera.On Thursday morning they exchanged harsh words during breakfast and Tanveer opened fire at his wife.The woman died on the spot.

However,Tanveer later committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.

In another incident,some unidentified attackers shot dead a man in the area of Saddar police station. According to police, Muhammad Saleem (45) was sleeping at his out-house (dera) in the village Pathanawali when some unidentified attackers managed to enter the house and opened indiscriminate fires at him.He died on the spot.The attackers managed to escape from the scene.

Police sent the bodies to city morgue for postmortem.Separate cases were registered and investigation was launched.