Uprising Sent Strong Message To India, World: Mirwaiz

Uprising sent strong message to India, world: Mirwaiz

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th Nov, 2016 ) : Chairman Hurriyet forum, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has said the ongoing freedom uprising has sent a strong and a very clear message to India and the world that the people of Kashmir will be masters of their destiny, come what may.

Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in a media interview in Srinagar said, over 140 days of continuous protest with wholehearted support and participation of people and offering of tremendous sacrifices has no parallel in the world, Kashmir Media Service reported.

"It is a moral victory in the sense that people of Kashmir despite facing extreme oppression and military subjugation, have refused to yield or submit." Instead, he added, they have made it clear to India that come what may they will be masters of their destiny.

As long as state oppression is used as a means of denying people their right to determine their political will, uprisings and resistance will always be there. People of Kashmir will rise time and again till their political aspirations and sentiments are fulfilled, he added.

To a question, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq said, Pakistan has always supported the people of Kashmir in their freedom cause. "Once again they forcefully raised our issue at the UN and have tried their best to highlight the human rights atrocities committed in the territory, globally. Unfortunately the global response has been quiet lukewarm," he deplored.