USA-based Kashmiri Diaspora Calls For Urgent Action To Protect Students In Bishkek

USA-based Kashmiri diaspora calls for urgent action to protect students in Bishkek

MIRPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) The Kashmiri diaspora in the United States has expressed grave concern over the safety of Pakistani and Kashmiri students caught in the midst of mob violence against international students in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.


Reports have emerged detailing threats and hostilities faced by foreign students, including those from India and Pakistan, amid rising unrest in the region, says a message reaching and released to the media here on Sunday night.

"Latest media reports emerging from the strife-torn universities in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, brought attention to the issue, stating that over 900 students from Azad Jammu & Kashmir are studying in Kyrgyzstan, with at least 300 hailing from Muzaffarabad," said Raja Muzaffar, US-based Kashmiri Diaspora community leader and sitting acting Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF-Yasin Malik) in a statement landed here Sunday night. 

"Efforts are currently underway to determine the number of students from Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir who have also been, according to the reports,"  he said.

"The diaspora is calling upon the Ambassadors of Pakistan and India in Washington, DC, to take swift and decisive action to ensure the well-being of these students. The community is urging both governments to liaise with Kyrgyz authorities and international organizations to provide immediate protection and support services to the students. They are also requesting that plans be put into place to facilitate safe exit strategies from the conflict zones if  necessary," Muzaffar further added.

"The Kashmiri diaspora in the USA has emphasized that the safety of these students is of paramount importance and that it is the responsibility of both the Indian and Pakistani governments to promptly address the situation and communicate effectively with concerned families,"  the Kashmiri diaspora community leader underlined.

Muzaffar added that the diaspora was closely monitoring the situation and remains committed to advocating for the welfare of Kashmiri students abroad, ensuring they receive the necessary assistance during this challenging time.
