Voucher Stipend Program In Offing For Enrollment Of Out Of School Children In KP

Voucher stipend program in offing for enrollment of out of school children in KP

The voucher stipend program was being launched to enroll out-of-school children in private schools in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Feb, 2024) The voucher stipend program was being launched to enroll out-of-school children in private schools in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Besides the disbursement of grant among female students with 80pc attendance in schools of underprivileged areas, Shahab Khan, Senior Planning Officer of KP Education Department told APP on Thursday that the stipend program for retention of poor students have started yielding positive results.

He said that bringing out of school children under education net was a big challenge.

For bringing about 300,000 children to schools in KP in the next three years, he said billions of rupees were required for the provision of free, uniforms, stationary and bags and construction of 10,000 new schools besides establishment of 1,000 Alternate Learning Pathways (ALP).

Shahab Khan said 15,667 new schools were needed to enroll 300 such children (aged 5-9 years) per school by next academic year, adding ALP centres were initiated for old aged out-of-school children.

Early Child Education (ECE) policy is ready while teaching materials including teachers’ guidebook and handbook for ECE mode of learning were also prepared, adding transformation of Katchi into ECE was in progress besides completion of training of 790 master trainers and 425 teachers on ECE.
