VWPS Lodged 1,039 FIRs In One Month


VWPS lodged 1,039 FIRs in one month

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) The Virtual Women Police Station registered 1,039 FIRs based on women’s complaints In one month. On April 22, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif had inaugurated the police station. So far, assistance has been sought from the police station in 6,294 cases. Judicial challans have been submitted in 54 cases. Out of the total cases, 4,246 cases have been closed due to settlement and reconciliation. The investigation is ongoing in 586 cases, and emphasis has been placed on completing 423 cases soon. Women continue to seek guidance from the Virtual Women Police Station to resolve their issues.

A spokesperson for the Safe Cities Authority stated that women have lodged complaints about harassment, domestic violence, disputes, and other issues at the Virtual Women Police Station. Women are being provided guidance from the filing of FIRs to the investigation and trial stages. Women can contact the Virtual Women Police Station through the 15-call service, the Women Safety App’s live chat feature, and the video call feature. Women can share their issues with complete confidentiality and confidence without revealing their Names and addresses.