Wildlife-related Laws To Be Sent For Approval Of Law Ministry

Wildlife-related laws to be sent for approval of law ministry

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News -1st Sep,2016) :Prime Minister's Focal Person on Climate Change Syed Rizwan Mahboob has said that wildlife-related laws formulated with the consultation of various stockholders will be sent to the law ministry for approval. The present government had finalized its conservation efforts to make wildlife-related laws stricter, harsher and more punitive to help regulate wildlife trade and control its illegal trafficking, he said this while taking to media. He said, "the present government is fully convinced that regulating wildlife trade and halting trade of the endangered wildlife species was indispensable for halting widening imbalances in the country's biological diversity and preserving nature." Syed Rizwan Mahboob said further that after marathon consultative process with all government and non-government stakeholders, amendments had been incorporated to the Rules of the Pakistan Wildlife Trade Control Act of Fauna and Flora 2012.

He pressed on need for the multiagency coordination to curb wildlife-related crimes and suggested to take all relevant agencies on board for leading the efforts against transnational organized crimes. He lauded the International Union for Conservation of Nature-Pakistan (IUCN -Pakistan) for joining government's efforts for initiating the intensive consultation process for amendments and upgradation of the Pakistan Wildlife Trade Control Act of Fauna and Flora 2012 over last several months. "Taking a big number of stakeholders for obtaining suggestions for amendments to the Wildlife Trade Control Act 2012 and incorporating them into the Act 2012 would have not been that easy without the technical support of the IUCN-Pakistan and in this regard it merits appreciation," he commented.