Youm-e-Takbeer Rally Held In Murree

Youm-e-Takbeer rally held in Murree

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th May, 2024) In commemoration of the historic nuclear tests conducted by Pakistan on May 28, 1998, Murree administration organized a rally here on Tuesday.

According to the details the rally was conducted from GPO Chowk to Marhaba Chowk led by Deputy Commissioner Murree Agha Zaheer Abbas Shirazi along with Assistant Commissioner Murree Captain (retd) Abdul Wahab Khan.

A large number of officers, personnel and civil society members of various district departments participated in the rally.

The participants carried national flags, banners and placards with slogans about Youm-e-Takbeer written on them.

The participants of the raly were chanting Pakistan Zindabad slogans.

Addressing on the occasion, the deputy commissioner said Takbeer Day reminds the Pakistani nation of the unprecedented unity to make the defense of the country invincible. It is the day to renew the pledge to work hard collectively for the security and prosperity of the country. The purpose of celebrating Takbeer Day is to reiterate the commitment that no sacrifice will be spared for the protection of the motherland, he said.