Digital Skills Program Launched For Merged Districts

Digital skills program launched for merged districts

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Technology Board (KPITB) has introduced a series of courses for youth across the newly Merged districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to master digital skills to expand their employment opportunities and know-how of the ever-evolving digital world

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th Oct, 2021 ) :Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Technology board (KPITB) has introduced a series of courses for youth across the newly Merged districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to master digital skills to expand their employment opportunities and know-how of the ever-evolving digital world.

Under the employable digital skills for the youth of merged districts a total of 840 youth would be trained in skills like, graphics design, wordpress design and development, social media marketing, mobile application development and blogging and content writing.

Under the program a total of 3,194 applicants from Merged Areas were received for the trainings out of 3,041 applications were eligible.

Out of the total applications received 253 applicants were females whereas the rest were male applicants. So far 40 individuals have been successfully trained, whereas training for 81 individuals is in progress.

Similarly, eight IT labs have been established in the f government schools of newly merged districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa under early age programming & IT essentials for the children of government schools of merged districts of Khyber PakhtunkhwaIn-order to improve quality of ICT education in government schools of newly merged districts, Science Technology and Information Technology (ST&IT) department has started Early Age Programming & IT Essentials for the Children of Government Schools of Merged Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Project with a total budget of Rs. 38.78 million.

The IT labs have been setup GHS Kohi Sher Hider Bara, GHS Jan Khan Kalli Bara, GGHS mawaz Kali Bara snf GGHS Gulabad Jamrud, Khyber district, GHS Tooti Bag,. GHS Ghiljo, GGHS Mirobak and GGHS Sarobi of Orakzai district. Currently 717 students (520 male & 197 female) of newly merged districts were benefiting from the said program.