Chinese Company Lights Up Hope For Surinamese Villages In Amazon Rainforest


Chinese company lights up hope for Surinamese villages in Amazon rainforest

PARAMARIBO, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 12th Apr, 2024) Nestled deep within the embrace of the Amazon rainforest lies Botopasi village, right in the heart of Suriname. Getting there from the capital city of Paramaribo takes five and a half hours -- two and a half hours by car and another three by boat along the Suriname River.

Besides the underdeveloped transportation infrastructure, villagers in the region are also unable to connect to the national electricity grid, thus lacking a continuous power supply for long periods of time.

The diesel fuel provided by the government only generates a five-hour electricity supply per day.

The absence of electricity and other inconveniences have compelled many Botopasi villagers to relocate to the capital in recent years, resulting in a decline in the village's population.

In 2019, Suriname's Ministry of Natural Resources signed an agreement with Power Construction Corporation of China (Power China), hoping to jointly solve the electricity problem for villagers in this area.