Fears Grow In Israel Of War With Lebanon's Hezbollah


Fears grow in Israel of war with Lebanon's Hezbollah

Golan Heights, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th Feb, 2024) In the green hills of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights near Lebanon, Arye and Ditza Alon are hiking through a tranquil nature reserve, wondering whether the wider region could become a war zone.

While mediators hope for a truce soon in the war raging in Gaza to the south, fears are growing that months of cross-border clashes in the north could escalate into a bigger conflict.

"It's a big question," said Ditza, pondering whether Israel should fight another major war against Lebanon's armed movement Hezbollah.

She argued there is a risk either way, and considered the dilemma as she stood with her husband in the reserve at the foot of snow-capped Mount Hermon.

"We understand that if there won't be a war.

.. then what happened in Gaza could happen again," she said, referring to October 7 attacks on southern Israeli communities.

"On the other hand, we know that if there will be a war... there's going to be a big war and a lot of soldiers and civilians will die."

Israel has warned Hezbollah to stop its near daily attacks and demanded it withdraw its forces to an area north of Lebanon's Litani River, some 30 kilometres (almost 20 miles) away from the UN-patrolled border.

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said this week that a Gaza truce won't stop Israeli military operations in the north -- and many fear a Gaza ceasefire may in fact allow Israel forces to step up northern operations.