Maduro Calls For Dissolving Venezuela Assembly As Talks Stall

Maduro calls for dissolving Venezuela assembly as talks stall

CARACAS, Dec 9, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 09th Dec, 2016 ) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Thursday revived his call to dissolve the opposition-controlled assembly in the latest clash following the recent suspension of crisis talks.

The socialist president accused members of the opposition Democratic Unity Roundtable coalition, known by its Spanish acronym MUD, which is seeking to remove him from office, of falling short in carrying out their duties.

He then resumed threats to dissolve the legislature, which he has made repeatedly since his opponents took control of the assembly in January.

"Today, the National Assembly once again did not have a quorum," the embattled leader told a local broadcaster.

"What do we do with the National Assembly? Immediate dismissal Dissolution." Maduro's words came two days after the center right-dominated opposition's decision to withdraw from a meeting with the Vatican and regional Latin American mediators.

The now-stalled talks were aiming to calm tensions as the opposition demands a vote on removing Maduro. The opposition also insists the socialist government release jailed opposition leaders.