Mass Graves Of Victims Of Islamic State Discovered In Syria`s Palmyra - Reports

Mass Graves of Victims of Islamic State Discovered in Syria`s Palmyra - Reports

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 22nd October, 2022) Syrian authorities discovered mass graves of victims of the Islamic State terrorist organization (banned in Russia) in the city of Palmyra, Syrian media reported on Friday.

Mass graves of civilians and soldiers executed by IS terrorists before the city was liberated were found near the historic Roman Theater, the Syrian state-run Al-Ikhbariya broadcaster said.�

Exhumation of remains of at least 12 people took place and they will be handed over to the relatives of the victims after their identity is established, according to radio station Sham FM.

The ancient ruins and monuments of Palmyra, a UNESCO World Heritage site, lost several important artifacts in the first attack of the IS terrorist group in 2015. The Temple of Bel, Temple of Baalshamin, Arch of Triumph and columns in the Valley of the Tombs were destroyed by terrorists.

The city was eventually taken back by the Syrian government forces, but in December 2016, IS militants recaptured it, further damaging the historic site. The Syrian forces regained control of the city again in March 2017.