New 3.9 Magnitude Earthquake Causes Unruly Mudslide In Indonesia's West Java - Reports


New 3.9 Magnitude Earthquake Causes Unruly Mudslide in Indonesia's West Java - Reports

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 23rd November, 2022) Another earthquake of magnitude 3.9 hit Indonesia's West Java province on Wednesday morning, causing a landslide that blocked the road to the country's capital, Jakarta, local media reported.

A massive 5.6 magnitude earthquake hit the Cianjur region of West Java on Monday. The disaster claimed the lives of over 260 people, according to unofficial estimates, as the exact death toll is still being clarified. More than 370 people were injured, another 151 count missing, and over 2,300 houses were destroyed or heavily damaged.

The 3.9 magnitude quake hit the same region at 04:41 GMT on Wednesday, according to the European Mediterranean Seismological Center.

As a result, the Cianjur - Jakarta road was blocked, hampering the movement of both the victims and rescue workers, the Indonesian news portal Kompas reported.

The landslide temporarily halted the search for 30 people believed to be buried under the rubble. Traffic to Jakarta has been redirected to an alternative route, the report said.

Indonesia is located in a seismically active zone known as the Ring of Fire and regularly suffers from powerful earthquakes. Every year, seismologists register up to 7,000 earthquakes with a magnitude above 4.0.